Chicken Processing & Retail Sales software thoroughly monitors data regarding the received/rejected birds due to the loss in processing, dressed weight, packing, and portioning. Chicken Processing & Retail Sales software helps you to analyse the Packed products grouping, count of yield, frozen/chilled, by-products, and analysis.
Hanging or Shackling
- Meat processing is done by hanging, or shackling, the birds to a processing line.
- Birds are transferred from transport boxes to a room where they are hung upside down from shackles attached to an automated line.
- During stunning, the birds are passed through an automated cutting section where the knifes make an incision on the neck to cut the major blood vessels in the neck.
- With the carcass hanging upside down and the blood vessels cut, most of the blood in the carcass will exit.
De-feathering or Picker
- The picker de-feathers on the carcass.
- The picker with rubber finger like projections, which rotate in a circular motion to remove feathers without damaging the carcass.
Shock or Stunning
- Electrical shock delivers a current through a water bath to create a state of unconsciousness.
- For a complete stunning the birds must receive a particular electric exposure for a specified time.
Feet, Head, Neck, Removal
- Feet are cut at the ankle joints and removed.
- The head is cut and removed.
- The neck is cut with machine.
Chicken Processing & Retail Sales software Keeps Tracks of
- Chicken processing details
- Category wise processing details
- Weight loss details
- Yield percentage details
- Sales details
- Outlet wise sales details
- User cash handover statements & report
- Price details
- Price variation details
- Physical stock taking details
- Portioning & Reprocessing
Account Section
- Profit & Loss
- Balance Sheet & Trial Balance
- Purchases, Sales
- Payment, Receipt, Journal Voucher
Inventory Section
- Birds
- Chicken items
- Consumables
- To Record all processing details-Category wise.
- Simplified forms to record day to day activities like sales details, Weight loss, etc,
- Yield percentages are automatically calculated.
- Record production activities.
- Can check the status of all activities from one centralised location.
- Instant corrective action where entries are missing or performed incorrectly.
- Increased traceability
- Profit & loss, and cash flow statements Sector wise
- Individual customer cost centre wise accountability.
- Alerts on credit limits & terms given to customers.
- Analysis of financial status on trade payables and receivables.
- Sale rate analysis as well as purchase rate analysis.
- Ageing analysis for customer outstanding receivables
- Helps you in analysing which supplier can supply raw material at better price.
- Control over inventory allows the business to control inventory waste and misappropriation
- Access to levels of production inventory on hand in real time at each site and storage location.
- Re-ordering of inventory