Gone are the days when people would stand outside for work in and around poultry farms. As on date most of the farms are running on 75% of the work force, the other employees feel the burden and they too in a long run will be looking for the other opportunities. In the below paragraph will be sharing some thought s based on personal experience.
Based on the above and by simply having a calendar (Local language preferable) we can frame out which are very critical operations and how many employees required for a certain task.
Eg 1: For vaccination we require experienced and seasoned employees.
Eg 2: For unloading of raw materials, we do not require highly experienced person.
1. Feed production
Based on the capacities and the standards we know the feed to be issued, based on which we can calculate the feed requirements mostly employees will be on leave, when we pay the salary for week or month, need to plan 2 to 3 days feed requirement and need to produce in advance, as most of the silos in layers are designed for storing 5 to 10 tons of feed. Can also have contract laborers who have experience in feed production, where normally the contractor will charge for tonnage of feeds rather than hours, one more important thing is to have medicine premixes ready for chick, grower & layer. So while mixing the ratios will be uniform.
2. Unloading of raw material
For this activity normally we will have a set of people (call ammalis) with a team lead, most of the farmers out source this activity , in case we have our own employees need to plan in a way multiple tasks are not done in a single day(else next day they are going to report sick). As maize (30% to 50% of feed) can be stored and used, we can procure maize in the available months of kharif- Oct, Nov or Dec and rabi- Feb, mar & april based on the above we can plan our resources.
3. Picking of Eggs
This task has to be done daily, and requires experienced staff. In case of local festivals, state and national festivals we will be seeing all or 80% of the staff not coming.
4. Loading of Eggs & birds (cull) on to trader vehicles.
This is basically interlinked with demand & supply in the market when the demand is more the no. of vehicles for eggs & cull birds will be more, vice versa in the months of august the demand will be less.
We require employees for segregating the eggs, loading the eggs on to trader vehicles, as is the custom trader normally pays some money to load the eggs, and the farmer based on the quality will pay money.
One very important factor here is the time mis match between the collection of eggs & loading of trader vehicles , which will be avoided by a simple Example given below,
As birds will be lifting mostly during the night times, need to plan our employees schedule based on the time when the traders come for collection and accordingly need to load.
5. Cleaning the premises
Cleaning is very important activity in the farm, ensuring bio security of both the birds and surrounding villages as most of premises are comparatively big, cleaning the premises is tedious task.
6. Vaccination
Mereks ‘ and de-beaking of birds are very critical, compared to other vaccines. As we are sure of the date of arrival of chicks, need to plan our vaccination schedule based on local festivals, availability of vaccinators (giving them enough notice)